Sonora United Methodist Church
90 W. Yaney Avenue, Sonora, CA 95370
(diagonally across from old Tuolumne County Courthouse)
(209) 532-4850 office.sonora@gmail.com

Worship Time
11:30 am
Mask Required
Pastor Kevin is a caregiver for his disabled daughter Jamie who has advanced respiratory failure and is immunocompromised. A simple cold could very easily lead to a major hospitalization. COVID-19 attacks the respiratory system, so is especially dangerous for her and life threatening. That is why we need to take additional precautions not to bring the virus home to his household. It is also important to protect his wife Tammy so she can carry on essential medical care for Jamie.
In consideration of her health we are asking that everyone mask up. Covid is transmitted 2 days prior to a person having symptoms or a Positive Covid test.
Please help keep Pastor Kevin, Tammy and Jamie Covid-free.
Wear a Mask
Rev. Kevin Campbell
Beginning July 2022, Sonora UMC will be yoked with the combined Soulsbyville/Tuolumne UMC. For the past 7 years Pastor Kevin has been the Pastor of Tuolumne UMC and Soulsbyville UMC. These 2 churches will be merging and Pastor Kevin will preach each Sunday at the combined Soulsbyville/Tuolumne UMC church at 9:30am and at Sonora UMC at 11:30am.
Pastor Kevin has served rural churches for over 30 years and has a talent for bringing churches together. We look forward to working with the combined Soulsbyville/Tuolumne church in sharing God's Word, Peace, Grace and Love here in Tuolumne County.